Dr. Carrie Chojnowski


A New Way of Looking at Symptoms & Symptom Relief


Dr. C

A world-renowned expert in holistic wellness, I’m passionate about guiding others on their journey to vibrant health and healing through evidence-based, integrative & soul-based medicine






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In the Spirit of Longevity: Physical Wellness, Loving Yourself Well, and Building Strength and Resilience

Recently, I’ve had some deep and enlightening discussions with my patients about their symptoms. We’ve been evaluating these symptoms on a deeper level, and it’s become clear that our physical bodies are not just a collection of systems and organs—they are vessels through which our psyche speaks. It’s essential to understand that our symptoms require attention on three distinct levels:

1. Symptoms of Denial

These symptoms often arise when we’ve been in a non-listening or ignorant state for an extended period. There’s no need for judgment, shame, or fear here—only an invitation to observe, learn, and act. For example, perhaps you haven’t checked your cholesterol in years or ever. You’ve been living in a way that doesn’t serve your physical body, and suddenly, you discover that your cholesterol and HS CRP levels are at an alert. This situation requires intervention, whether it be supplementation, medication, or lifestyle modification. Ignoring these symptoms could lead to physical danger, so action is crucial.

2. Symptoms of Discomfort

Symptoms of discomfort are our body’s initial warnings of imbalance. You might not be sleeping well, feel anxious, or suffer from hormonal imbalance. These symptoms indicate discomfort but don’t necessarily mean you’re in immediate danger. They require understanding and intervention, such as herbal remedies or lifestyle changes. By addressing these, you provide healing balm, allowing your body to return to its natural equilibrium without needing ongoing external intervention.

3. Symptoms of Design

Our soul constantly communicates with us, often using our physical body as the medium for ultimate awareness. Symptoms of design are manifestations meant to bring deeper awareness to the surface. It’s crucial not to suppress these symptoms but to learn from them. For instance, depression can fall into any of these categories, but discerning if it’s a symptom of design is vital. Is your soul trying to tell you that you’ve chosen a path not meant for you, leading you to alcohol as a coping mechanism? This is often a call to be witnessed and addressed. Working with medical practitioners, spiritual guides, or mental health providers can help determine whether to alleviate the mental discomfort or to support you in changing the trajectory of your life.

Journaling Prompt:

Take a moment to write out some or all of your physical symptoms.

  • Which category do they primarily fall into?
  • Are you addressing them in the way that best serves you?
  • How might you be better served by addressing your symptom(s) in a different way?

This approach to understanding and addressing symptoms not only strengthens your physical body but also aligns your mental and emotional well-being, leading you toward a more resilient, loving, and holistic approach to life.

Sending healing,
Dr. C

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Hi, I'm Dr. C

A world-renowned expert in holistic wellness, I’m passionate about guiding others on their journey to vibrant health and healing through evidence-based, integrative & soul-based medicine

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