Hi, I’m Dr. Carrie

Why you’re here...

You’re here because you refuse to believe that becoming older means you have less energy, less sexual interest, less passion for existence, and that your health will naturally decline. You understand that the alchemy that creates optimal wellness cannot live in the conventional medical model. 

You are interested in avant-garde testing, new ideas, and cutting edge medical philosophy, in both the sacred and ancient traditions and the next frontiers of functional medicine. 

This is a space where cutting-edge science meets ancient wisdom.

I value individual choice and education, and believe that each and every patient deserves to know what they are doing and why. 

Whether we meet in person or via telemedicine, I spend quality one-on-one time with my patients. The initial consultation is 1.5 to 2 hours, and it is time spent truly understanding you — your history, your previous diagnoses, and treatments to ensure we are beginning from a fresh space and perspective.

When patients are able to discover and articulate their deepest reasons for wanting to achieve wellness, they begin to look at their health in a new and invested way. 

I want you to feel seen and heard every step of the way—and to feel empowered by your treatment plan. 

What lights me up...

Yes - it’s a huge passion for me. 

I’ve been practicing medicine for nearly 15 years, and so much of my career has been shaped by helping people with tick-borne illnesses. These are patients who are often misdiagnosed, under-treated, and misunderstood.

The complexity and multifaceted aspects of this disease cannot be treated with two weeks of antibiotics (contrary to mainstream advice). After successfully treating hundreds of Lyme patients, I've developed my own methodology that can be uniquely catered to each person's needs.

I'm a member


  • The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS)
  • The Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine (AARM)
  • The Seeking Health Educational Institute (SHEI)

I'm the


Of INME Wellness, a Spanish organization whose mission is to research and educate the public about indigenous traditions and spiritual heritage of the peoples of the world. 

when I'm not


My life changed dramatically when I began to follow what a teacher of mine describes as, “the thread of aliveness.” These are the opportunities and experiences put in your path that receive a resounding “yes” from your soul, even if your ego scoffs or has trouble with the logistics.

I followed the thread of aliveness when I went to naturopathic medical school, became a midwife,  delivered babies in Vanuatu (which is where I met my husband), energetically said yes to all three of my babies, when I (finally) said yes to our move to Italy, and saying yes to co-founding InMe Wellness. I say yes everyday when I choose to create joy and abundance in my life: my husband, my children, my patients, my mental/emotional expansion, my connection to nature, my yoga practice, and my community. True health is substantially more than we were ever led to believe, and much of it comes from being brave enough to say "yes" to your own thread of aliveness.

(Besides my children and husband, of course.)

Research around Lyme disease! 

my inspiration

be so brave 

connect to the Divine

Swim              SEA
DRINK        WILD AIR.   

in the




Meet the staff

Cassie Donnelly

With 15 years in healthcare as a nurse and whole health educator, I'm on my way to becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner and Functional Medicine Provider.

My goal as a practitioner is to demystify health by identifying and treating the root cause of symptoms. I'm eager to bring individualized, in-person care to patients. I will be working directly alongside Dr. Carrie, ensuring that you continue to receive the most optimal care under her expert guidance.

Outside of work, I cherish time with my family, enjoy growing and foraging food, leading cycling and pilates classes, and all manner of outdoor activities.

Thank you for considering me as a partner in your healthcare journey. I'm here to listen, support, and guide you to wellness and vitality.

Lucky Bennett

Originally from Washington state, Lucky now finds herself just outside of Washington, DC with her husband, two kids, two dogs, and four goldfish. In a world that is increasingly automated and impersonal, she strives to provide Dr. Carrie's patients with warm, welcoming, personalized service.  

When she isn’t hanging out with her family and her dogs, you can find Lucky reading, lifting weights, or practicing guitar.

Deborah Chaffee

Within my 8 years of the medical field, I have had the pleasure of working alongside Dr. Carrie assisting patients as her Medical Receptionist. For many of you, I have been a familiar name and a familiar face! 

I am excited to share, that I will be Dr. Carrie's patient account specialist and I look forward to further assisting you with any billing inquiries you may have.

Shall we continue this


If you align with my values and also share the belief that quality of life is more important than the quantity of your days, I have a feeling we’ll do great work together. 

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If you're into natural living, walking into your soul's purpose with wild, passionate abandon, along with my musings, and little moments of beauty... You've come to the right place. 

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